Heddon & Sons, JamesĀ®

Retailer: Heddon & Sons, James

Model: #17... Black Beauty Fly Rod

Length: 7 1/2'

Handle: Cigar

Configuration: 2/2

Weight: 3 1/4 oz. oz.

Material: Bamboo

Circa: 1938

Condition: Excellent

Donated By: George Colclough Jr.

Markings: #17 Heddon

Remarks: This 1938 version of the #17 Featherweight is an example shown with the all black wraps that we feel were special ordered for this customer. This rod also sports the down locking reel seat and swelled butt that would transition this rod into the 1939 time period. In 1939 the #17 appears to be removed from the winding check area and added to the single flat with the line designations..