Heddon & Sons, JamesĀ®

Retailer: Heddon & Sons, James

Model: #50 Deluxe President Fly Rod

Length: 8 1/2'

Handle: Cigar

Configuration: 2/2

Weight: 6.4 oz.

Material: Bamboo

Circa: 1949 - 1953

Condition: Excellent

Donated By: George Colclough Jr.

Markings: Heddon Deluxe President Special - #50 - 8 1/2' - 2 1/2 F

Remarks: This two piece version of the Deluxe president is rarely seen in this 8 1/2' 2 piece configuration. This rod is not a featherweight rod. With a 2 1/2 Ferule this rod is actually quite heavy built for some serious fishing. A special order for sure. I have seen so few of these that I don't know much about them other than what you see.