Heddon & Sons, JamesĀ®

Retailer: Heddon & Sons, James

Model: #17..... Very Rare #117 100 series 4 oz. Black Beauty Fly Rod

Length: 7 1/2'

Handle: Half Wells

Configuration: 3/2

Weight: 4 oz. oz.

Material: Bamboo

Circa: 1936 -1938

Condition: Excellent

Donated By: Al Zoller

Markings: Heddon #117

Remarks: Extremely rare Model Heddon 4 oz. Class rod, it is one of the illusive #100 series. An Early rod with an up locking reel seat built only from 1936 to 1938. It comes in 7 1/2' 3 piece 2 tip configuration with 1 1/2f Ferule size. Ferules are 16/64ths and 10/64ths..(Material.. Split Bamboo)