Heddon & Sons, JamesĀ®

Retailer: Heddon & Sons, James

Model: #65 Deluxe Fly Rod

Length: 8 1/2'

Handle: Hand Checked Walnut Half Wells

Configuration: 3/2

Weight: 5 1/4 oz. + 1/2 oz. due to walnut grip oz.

Material: Bamboo

Circa: 1932

Condition: Excellent

Donated By: Ed Schuck

Markings: Heddon #65 Deluxe

Remarks: 1st and only year a model #65 Deluxe was made, all years subsequent this rod was called a #60 Deluxe. This rod was the highest grade rod built by Heddon until the introduction of the #1000 in 1939, it also has the Pyralin ferule reinforcements only seen on this rod from 1932 to 1935. (Material.. Split Bamboo)